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Updating Your Estate Plan After Divorce: Steps to Ensure Your Wishes Are Honored

Divorce can significantly alter your personal and financial landscape, making it crucial to update your estate plan to reflect these changes. An outdated estate plan can lead to unintended consequences, such as ex-spouses inheriting assets or having decision-making power in personal and financial matters. Here’s a step-by-step guide to updating your estate plan post-divorce to ensure that your wishes are honored.

Step 1: Inventory Your Existing Estate Plan

Begin by gathering all existing estate planning documents, including your will, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives. Review each document to identify which areas need updates to reflect your current situation and intentions.

Step 2: Revoke and Redraft Your Will

Your will likely needs significant changes post-divorce. It’s often simpler and clearer to revoke your existing will and create a new one that reflects your current familial and financial situation. This ensures that your assets will be distributed according to your updated wishes and not based on outdated designations that included your ex-spouse.

Step 3: Update Trust Arrangements

If you have established any trusts, review and possibly amend them to adjust trustees and beneficiaries. For instance, if your ex-spouse was named as a trustee or beneficiary, you might want to replace them to ensure that the trust’s management and benefit align with your new circumstances.

Step 4: Change Powers of Attorney

Both financial and healthcare powers of attorney should be reviewed and likely revised. If your ex-spouse was named in these documents, appointing a new person you trust to handle your financial affairs and medical decisions is imperative.

Step 5: Modify Beneficiary Designations

Many people forget that beneficiary designations on life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other financial products are not governed by wills but by the beneficiary forms filed with financial institutions. Update these designations to reflect your current preferences, as failing to do so can result in your ex-spouse receiving these benefits.

Step 6: Review Guardian Designations

If you have minor children, your previous estate plan might have included your ex-spouse in plans for guardianship. Review and update these designations as needed to align with your current wishes and the children’s best interests.

Step 7: Consult a Professional

Updating an estate plan can be complex, especially when disentangling your life from an ex-spouse’s. Consulting with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney is crucial. At Allenby Law, we specialize in estate planning and can guide you through the process of updating your estate plan post-divorce, ensuring that your new plan reflects your intentions clearly and legally.

After a divorce, updating your estate plan is crucial to ensure that your assets and responsibilities are managed according to your current wishes. This process not only protects your interests but also provides peace of mind that your estate will be handled as you intend. At Allenby Law, we understand the nuances of estate planning post-divorce and are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us to ensure your estate plan accurately reflects your current life situation and protects your future.